Preserving Trees During Construction Projects: Tips for Homeowners

Construction projects can pose significant risks to nearby trees, including root damage, soil compaction, and physical injury. To minimize these risks and protect tree health, proactive planning and implementation of tree protection measures are essential.

Before construction begins, homeowners should identify trees at risk and establish tree protection zones (TPZs) around them. TPZs create physical barriers to prevent heavy equipment and construction activities from encroaching on tree roots and trunks. Mulching within TPZs helps maintain soil moisture and reduce soil compaction, preserving root health during construction.

Proper pruning before construction can also reduce the risk of branch damage and ensure tree stability. Removing dead or overhanging branches minimizes potential hazards and promotes tree resilience during construction activities.

Post-construction care is equally important to mitigate stress and promote tree recovery. Monitoring trees for signs of stress, such as leaf discoloration or dieback, and implementing supplemental watering or fertilization as needed can support their recovery and long-term health.

By incorporating these tips into construction planning and maintenance practices, Prescott homeowners can protect their valuable trees and preserve the natural beauty of their landscapes.


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